Graphic Design Blog - Package Design Tutorials, Design Career Advice and Tips

Claytowne Branding and Identity News

Graphic Design Blog

Dude, I Got A New Blog Now

Been meaning to do this for a long time. Beats Digging Ditches is about design, or more specifically: "Thoughts about design, marketing, branding, pop culture and language buy a guy who's lucky enough to get paid to think about these things."

One of the things I'll be putting some serious time on is the section tutorials for beginners.I've learned alot about product packaging design, branding and SEO over the years and I'm going to explain what I've learned in the simplest of terms. Because somehtimes you just need to be pointed in the right direction. So check out my new design blog inspired my life as a graphic designer.


Claytowne Launches New Website

Claytowne New SiteThis was supposed to be done long ago but just like the mechanic who drives a beat up car, designers spend so much time creating work for other's that their own marketing materials are always a bit behind.

I've doubled the size of my portfolio and added some new categories. I also added a FAQ's section and a great page of professional resources.Plus I've assembled a collection of tips and advice aspiring artists and designers.


Web Design Example

Claytowne Design Wins Best Packaging Award at Natural Products Expo 2008

Gourmè Mist founders Simona and Sherene are really pleased to receive the Best Packaging Award for their Gourmè Mist bottle packaging designed by Claytowne. The "Best of" competition had 250 entrants plus they were also one of the top five finalists in the Most Innovative Product Category. All in all a successful show.